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Metal Roofing

Installing Metal Roofing Over Shingles | Expert Guide & Tips

Upgrade your roof with metal roofing over shingles. Get step-by-step instructions and expert tips for a successful installation. Start your project today.

Installing Metal Roofing Over Shingles | Expert Guide & Tips

If you're considering a roof upgrade, you might have stumbled upon the increasingly popular trend of installing metal roofing over existing shingles. This innovative approach marries the durability and sleekness of metal roofing with the cost-effectiveness of keeping your old shingles in place.

So, what makes this blend so irresistible to homeowners and experts? The reasons are manifold. Metal roofing has a lifespan that often exceeds 50 years, while also providing improved energy efficiency to help you reduce those energy bills. Additionally, layering metal roofing over shingles is a great way to be economical; not only do you save on removal and disposal costs, but you also make the installation process less labor-intensive. This expert guide will give you all the tips and know-how you need to make an informed decision.

Installing Metal Roofing Over Shingles

Advantages of Metal Roofing Over Shingles

When it comes to making a savvy investment for your home, few options stand out as clearly as the choice to install metal roofing over existing shingles. This method presents a variety of benefits, from energy efficiency to aesthetic versatility, and it's a choice that is increasingly resonating with homeowners looking for long-term value.

Energy Efficiency

One of the most compelling reasons for opting for metal roofing is its superior energy efficiency. Unlike traditional asphalt shingles, metal roofs reflect solar radiation rather than absorb it, which can lower your home's cooling costs by up to 25%. They act as a sort of thermal barrier, effectively regulating your home's internal temperature, which is especially valuable during hot summers or bitterly cold winters.


If there's one word to describe metal roofs, it's 'durable.' On average, a metal roof can last up to 50 years or more with minimal maintenance. Unlike shingles, which can wear down more quickly and may require frequent replacements, metal roofing is built to endure the elements. This means less hassle and expense for you over the long run.

Aesthetic Appeal

Don't underestimate the power of curb appeal. Metal roofing comes in a myriad of styles, textures, and colors that can match any architectural design. Whether you're going for a modern, sleek look or want something more rustic, there's a metal roofing option that can elevate your home's exterior to a new level.

As you weigh your roofing options, consider the triple benefit that metal roofing over shingles provides. From energy savings that will make a noticeable difference in your utility bills to the long-term value and curb appeal that will up your home's resale value, it's a comprehensive solution that meets multiple needs. Don't miss out on a chance to improve your home's functionality and aesthetic in one fell swoop.

Pre-Installation Cleaning

Before you dive into the exciting process of installing a new metal roof over your existing shingles, a crucial step that often gets overlooked is pre-installation cleaning. Properly cleaning your old shingles can make a significant difference in the quality and longevity of your new metal roof. It serves as the foundation for your new roofing material and therefore needs to be in the best possible condition.

Importance of Cleaning the Existing Shingles

Just like you wouldn't paint over a dirty canvas, installing a metal roof over unclean shingles is a bad idea. Dust, algae, and other debris can form a layer on your shingles that might affect the adhesion and fit of the new metal roof. Furthermore, moisture caught in organic matter could lead to mold or rot, undermining the integrity of the entire roofing structure. It's crucial to remove any impediments for the best results.

Best Cleaning Methods and Products

To ensure a smooth and effective cleaning process, you'll need to use the right methods and products. Pressure washing is a popular option, but you must be careful not to damage the shingles. Alternatively, you can opt for roof cleaning products specifically designed to remove algae, mold, and grime. If you're going for a chemical cleaning solution, make sure it's eco-friendly and won't cause any long-term damage to your roof or local waterways.

Cleaning your existing shingles is not just an optional step; it's a necessity for the longevity and performance of your new metal roof. This groundwork ensures that the installation goes as smoothly as possible and helps you avoid problems down the line. So before you start laying down that new, shiny metal roof, give the foundation—the old shingles—a thorough, loving clean.

Preparing the Shingles for Metal Roofing

One of the most critical stages before installing metal roofing over existing shingles is the preparation phase. Just as a well-prepared canvas yields a beautiful painting, the proper preparation of your shingles will set the stage for a successful and long-lasting metal roof. This involves assessing the condition of your existing shingles and taking necessary steps to prepare the surface.

Assessing the Condition of Existing Shingles

Before laying your new metal roof, it's essential to evaluate the state of the existing shingles. Look for signs of wear, water damage, mold, or other issues that could compromise the effectiveness of your new metal roof. If more than 20% of the shingles are damaged, you might have to consider removing them entirely. Otherwise, you can proceed with the preparation for your new metal layer.

Steps to Prepare the Surface

Preparing the surface involves several steps, from cleaning, as previously discussed, to ensuring an even and stable surface. You may need to use a long-handled broom to remove loose debris, followed by patching up any minor holes or imperfections in the shingles. It's also advisable to use a roofing underlayment over the shingles to provide an extra layer of protection and a smoother surface for your metal roof.

Proper preparation of your existing shingles can make or break the success of your new metal roof installation. This phase lays the groundwork, ensuring that your new roof will not only look great but also stand the test of time. From assessing the current condition of your shingles to meticulous surface preparation, each step is a building block towards a durable and aesthetically pleasing metal roof.

Pro Tip:

Tim with Trailer Systems recommends hauling in your metal roofing materials to save on costs. When hauling metal roofing materials for installations over shingles, consider utilizing a flatbed trailer with an adjustable curtain system. This specialized trailer design allows for easy loading and unloading of lengthy metal panels while providing weather protection during transportation, ensuring your roofing materials arrive in optimal condition for a smooth installation process. If you're doing quite a few projects throughout the year, look for sales on semi trailers for even more savings.

metal roof installation over shingles

Installation Process

Now that we've covered the importance of preparing your existing shingles, it's time to delve into the installation process for your metal roofing. This is the cornerstone of your roofing project, and knowing the right tools and methods can save you time and money down the road.

Brief Overview of How to Install Metal Roofing

Installing metal roofing over shingles involves several key steps. First, measure your roof accurately to determine how many metal panels you'll need. Next, install a layer of underlayment over your existing shingles for added protection. Then, starting from the edge, begin securing your metal panels into place, overlapping them as instructed by the manufacturer. Use screws to fasten them securely to the roof, ensuring no gaps or loose areas that could compromise the structure.

Tools and Materials Needed

For a successful installation, you'll need some specialized roofing tools and materials. Essential items include roofing underlayment, metal panels, roofing screws with neoprene washers, a cordless drill, metal shears, and a chalk line for marking measurements. Also, safety gear such as gloves and eye protection are a must.

The installation of your metal roof is a critical phase that requires attention to detail, the right tools, and a methodical approach. Using the correct materials and following an efficient process ensures that your new roof will serve you well for years to come, offering benefits like energy efficiency and aesthetic appeal that make the effort more than worthwhile.

Tips from Cleaning Pros

Cleaning professionals offer a unique perspective on roofing projects, especially when installing metal roofing over shingles. Their expertise can help ensure a better, more durable installation and can even contribute to extending the life of your new roof.

Unique Insights from Cleaning Professionals for Better Installation

Experts from the cleaning industry suggest that a clean surface is essential for a secure metal roofing installation. Dust, dirt, and other debris can hinder adhesion, making the roof less stable. So before you install, it might be a good idea to employ professional cleaning services for an exceptionally clean surface.

How Regular Cleaning Can Extend the Life of Your New Metal Roof

Regular cleaning post-installation is also vital. Dirt, tree sap, and even bird droppings can corrode metal over time. Cleaning professionals recommend routine cleaning with appropriate solutions to ensure the longevity of your metal roof.

Incorporating advice from cleaning pros into your roofing project is like having an ace up your sleeve. Not only can they provide insights for a smoother installation process, but their tips for regular maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of your new metal roof. So before, during, and after installation, don't underestimate the power of a good clean.

Safety Considerations

When it comes to installing metal roofing over shingles, safety is a paramount concern that should never be taken lightly. While the process can seem straightforward, there are specific safety guidelines and gear that can protect you from potential hazards.

Safety Gear and Best Practices

It's crucial to arm yourself with the proper safety gear before embarking on a roofing project. A sturdy pair of gloves can protect your hands from sharp metal edges, while safety goggles are essential for eye protection. Additionally, wearing a hard hat and non-slip boots can significantly reduce the risk of injury. Best practices include always working with a buddy, keeping your workspace clean and organized to avoid tripping hazards, and never working on a wet or icy roof.

When to Call Professionals

Even with the best of precautions, there are scenarios where it's advisable to consult professionals. If your roof has a steep incline, shows signs of structural damage, or if you're not comfortable using the required tools, seeking professional help is a wise choice. A skilled team can complete the job safely and efficiently, ensuring the long-term durability of your metal roofing.

Prioritizing safety isn't just a best practice—it's a necessity. Using the appropriate safety gear and following established guidelines can go a long way in preventing accidents. And when the project becomes too challenging or risky, don't hesitate to call in the professionals. Their expertise could save you not just time and effort but could also ensure that your roofing installation meets all safety and quality standards.

Pro Tip:

Chris form The Metal Roofers in Tennessee suggests that you prioritize safety by implementing a designated "safety zone" during metal roof installations. Clearly mark and restrict access to this area to prevent falls and accidents. Equipping your crew with harnesses and installing temporary safety anchors can further enhance on-site safety, ensuring a secure and incident-free metal roofing installation process. Doing this has saved our Clarksville and McMinnville teams more than once.

installing a metal roof over shingles

Maintenance and Cleaning Post-Installation

Once your metal roof is installed over existing shingles and is properly inspected, the job isn't finished; it has just begun. A well-maintained metal roof can last for decades, but it requires regular upkeep to reach its full potential. Let's delve into how you can effectively maintain and clean your new roofing, and when it might be time to call in the professionals.

How to Maintain and Clean Your New Metal Roofing

Proper maintenance starts with regular inspections to check for any loose fasteners, sealant failures, or signs of corrosion. Cleaning is equally crucial. A gentle wash with a water hose can remove debris, while specialized cleaning solutions can tackle more stubborn stains or algae. Always remember to use a soft-bristle brush to avoid scratching the metal surface.

Professional Services Available for Maintenance

While regular cleaning and inspections are tasks you can do yourself, some situations call for a professional touch. Services such as sealant application, rust treatment, and thorough inspections are best left to experts who can spot and resolve issues that might not be apparent to the untrained eye.

When it comes to the longevity and aesthetics of your new metal roof, maintenance is key. Both DIY methods and professional services have their roles to play in keeping your roof in top condition. Regular cleaning and inspections can go a long way, but for specialized tasks or if you're unsure about what to do, professional services offer an extra layer of assurance.

We'll Conclude With...

If you've been considering upgrading your home, installing metal roofing over shingles stands out as a remarkable choice. Not only does it offer energy efficiency and remarkable durability, but it also adds an aesthetic appeal that is hard to match. From expert advice on pre-installation cleaning to insights into ongoing maintenance, we've covered all you need to know to make an informed decision.

Taking the leap to metal roofing doesn't just mean a home improvement project; it's an investment in the future of your home. With long-term benefits like lower energy bills and minimal maintenance costs, it's clear why so many are making the switch. Why wait? Take the first step today and explore how this versatile roofing option could revolutionize your living space.

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